

Paul writes in his letter to the church of Rome, “Do not try to punish others when they wrong you, but wait for God to punish them with His anger.” (Romans 12:19).

In the Message Bible, Eugene Peterson puts it this way, “Don’t hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you’ve got it in you, get along with everybody. Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do. I’ll do the judging; says God. I’ll take care of it.”

Max Lucado discusses this as the High Cost of Getting Even in Grace for the Moment. Have you ever noticed in western movies (and even Star Wars), how the bounty hunter travels alone? Who wants to hang out with someone who settles a score for a living? Who wants to risk getting on his bad side? More than once we have heard a person spew his or her anger. He thought we were listening when we really were thinking “I don’t want to get on his list.” Cantankerous sorts, these bounty hunters. Best leave them alone. Hang out with the angry and you might catch a stray bullet. Debt-setting is a lonely occupation. It’s also an unhealthy occupation. If you are out to settle the score, you’ll never rest. How can you? For one thing, your enemy may never pay up. As much as you think you deserve an apology, your debtor may not agree. The racist may never repent. The liar may never tell the truth. The chauvinist may never change. As justified as you are in your quest for vengeance, you may never get a penny’s worth of justice. And if you do, will it be enough? There are plenty of scores to settle in this world. Judgement, however is reserved for God. God is the ultimate settler of all disputes. In today’s world, there is much more room for forgiveness or at least not pursuing an eye for an eye.

Prayer: God deliver me from my need to be judge, jury, and executioner. Help me to forgive those who wrong me or wrong Your world. I surrender my judgement to you. Amen

Some dates to note: August 1, 2020 from 9AM to 3PM, basement sale at St Marks. Toys, bibles, craft items, church related items, kitchenware, etc. Follow the signs for entry and exit. Masks are required and physical distancing will be encouraged. No credit cards. September 27, 2020 a final closing worship service for St Mark’s will happen at 1pm. Watch this space or our social media for how to reserve a seat.

In Christ, Deacon Nancy Trimble

Nancy Trimble