Thank you for joining Abiding Christ Lutheran Church for worship today. We are honored that you are here! Whether you are a first-time visitor, long-time member, or somewhere in between - welcome! We pray that your time with us is an encouragement to your faith journey.

If you have a prayer concern, a question for a Pastor, or a comment on today’s service - we would love to hear from you. Please contact our church office at 937-878-2888 or

Wednesday Food Faith What's Next?
Ways to Give @ Abiding Christ  1 - Give in the offering plates - as an act of worship when they are passed during the worship service.  2 - Give through your bank - see your bank for setup instructions for a one-time or recurring donation.  3 - Give
Help Outreach and Sunday School raise money for Global Barnyard
Lost something? Check the bookshelf outside the office to see if your missing item is there.
Zumba Fitness.  Tuesday and Thursday @ 6 pm.  Keith and Theresa
Acolyte Ministry  Contact Tom Batterman at