A Time of Change


An old Ute (Native American) saying is:

“Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead
Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow
Walk beside me that we may be as one”.  

From The Soul would have no Rainbows if the Eyes had no Tears. By Guy Zona.

Greetings from God our Father,

This is a time of change and uncertainty for St Mark’s.  One of the important issues to begin our journey together is to know we must walk together as this adventure unfolds. Lutheran Saints in Ministry is a new concept to the ELCA as a joint venture in ministry. As the spiritual and church going reality unfolds, the old ways of pastor driven ministry and a pastor for every church no matter the size are of the past.  In order to grow, each congregation should be committed to that end and all participants in the successes and failures of the attempt. Pastor Peter Kruse of Arise in Christ Lutheran Church in Donnelsville and myself, Nancy Trimble Deacon called to St Mark’s through LSIM aim to help growth of both churches through the resources of LSIM.  All members of St Mark’s are asked to walk beside us, your church leadership, and to those who have left and those who are coming to us for a spiritual home. In the next few months the council will draft a new constitution and bylaws to bring before you. They will undertake a council retreat to revision the church and evaluate the mission statement.  The council has been asked to place a regular date/time for council meetings and all members are welcome to attend or attend if they have something to address to the council. We need all ideas and suggestions. There is no one way to grow and no one demographic to address. Our staff has been asked to be present at all council meetings. We ask that you walk beside us that we may be as one, in Christ, in St. Mark’s, in Fairborn, and in LSIM.  


Your Deacon, Nancy Trimble
937 269-6958 or church office 878-4700

Nancy Trimble