I love to worship Jesus


From the pastor's desk,


I love to worship Jesus.  The highlight of each week is on Sunday when we are gathered for worship and we PRAISE AND THANK the Lord who gave His life so we will have a joyous eternal life.  There is nothing as glorious as doing this and there is nothing that can be compared to it in importance.  We who have been redeemed from a life of sin have so much to be thankful for and it is ours without any cost for us.  Jesus has paid the huge price for the mountains of sin we amass in this life.  He did it out of love.  

As I look back over my early life, I had no idea there was a God of love, therefore I did not attend church.  I saw no reason to.  I regret my early years of unbelief.  I now realize of course that I missed out on the joy of worship.  For 16 years I missed the happiness and joy of giving thanks and praise to the Lord in Sunday Worship.  WOW, did I ever miss out on the joy of worship.  Hearing over and over about the Grace and Love and Sacrifice of Jesus would have made a tremendous difference in my young life.  I know so many ways that this Good News changed my ways since that day I first attended church, I only wish I could have known the Good News when I was an infant.

To miss church is not a good thing.  Once a person has been introduced to Jesus and understands His GRACE and His LOVE - there is no way they will want to miss worship.  They will not want to miss out of the joy of giving PRAISE and THANKS among the congregation of fellow believers.  They will want to hear the WORD, SING praise to the Lord in the HYMNS, PRAY, GIVE THANKS AT THE TIME OF THE OFFERING and join the FELLOWSHIP.

I want to thank MaryDell for conducting worship last Sunday and Doug who will conduct the worship this coming Sunday.  It is a little strange for me not lead worship, but in the Lord's wise plan for me to only preach twice a month through December is a blessing. You see, Bess has been quite ill since the first of August and I need to spend a lot more of my time with her to care for her.  She will get better, but we are told it will take time for the healing.  I will be with you at worship on Reformation Day, Sunday, Oct. 28 and again Nov. 4.

Enjoy worship Sunday and pour your heart and soul into your PRAISE and THANKS, then experience the JOY that is driven by WORSHIP OF THE ONE TRUE GOD, JESUS CHRIST.

Pastor John

St Marks Lutheran