

“The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. . . . What can man do to me? It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.”
Psalm 118:6,8,9

Someone once remarked that “worrying is the only game in which, when you guess right, you don’t feel any better.” If a person wants to worry, there will always be a market for it. You can worry about finances, health, the past, your boss, kids, lack of kids, hair, lack of hair, and as I pull up to the drive-through window, who cooked that burger I just ordered. And let’s not forget global terrorism. And if our worries do pan out, at least we are better off and more prepared for the moment because we have worried. Wrong!

God has a better plan for us. His plan is that we do not worry because we know he is with us. And he is dependable minute-to-minute, day-to-day, and year-to-year. He is the almighty God who is always with us, even when others seek to create a mess for us, or we find we are in a mess of our own doing. He is a loving God who is our Savior that took away our greatest worry—fear of eternal death. Only God provides security for both body and soul.

Sure, we may need to make some changes in our life. One thing that will not change, though, is that God is always with us. God is not going anywhere, except to our rescue and to provide us with a life without fear. So, whether we are fretting over baldness, bankruptcy, bacteria, or bad (sinful) behavior, boldly rely on God. Put your worries and fears behind you.

Prayer: Whatever worries are on my heart this day, Lord, sweep them away with the assurance that you are with me and, with you at my side, I have nothing to worry about. Amen.

Nancy Trimble