Dear Abiding Christ Family,
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Last evening, the church council and staff members met with Bishop Suzanne Dillahunt and her assistant, Pastor Robert Abrams. This meeting was the first step in the process after a pastor leaves a congregation and a new pastor is going to be called.
To summarize, there are four things that the Council will be doing now and in the immediate future:
1. The Council and I will work on a one-page job description for what we would like the new associate pastor to do.
2. The Council will update the Ministry Site Profile. (This was completed 4-5 years ago after Pastor Sue Nelson retired. It will need to be updated, and it will include an addendum describing our response to the pandemic and how that has affected our congregation.)
3. The Council will appoint a call committee. The call committee will be made up of 7-9 people, and will represent the demographics of our congregation as best we are able to do that.
4. The Council will create a budget for expenses associated with meeting, interviewing, and hosting a candidate. This would include travel expenses, meals, and overnight accommodations, as well as moving expenses if a call is issued and accepted. (A Call Committee budget was previously discussed as part of our 2022-2023 budget process in May and June. Funds have been set aside for this purpose. The Council will reevaluate to determine an appropriate amount.)
As you can see, there are several steps involved as we get started in this search process, and there will be more steps to come. It is an exciting time as we move toward a new horizon and what is in store for Abiding Christ. To that end, you might be wondering, what can you do to help? I'm so glad you asked.
First, pray. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be stirred up within the members of our congregation and our ministries. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be moving among us, leading and guiding us toward the new horizon. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be stirring in a potential candidate. Pray for open hearts and open minds to see the different possibilities and opportunities. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be leading us and guiding that potential candidate to meet and work toward a new future together. So yes, you can help by praying.
Second, you can be present. You are missed. One of many things we learned through the pandemic is that we need each other, and we are a part of something so much bigger than ourselves alone. Our sense of community is incomplete; mental health experts are continually telling us that emotional, mental, and social health are so important for our well-being, and yet many people are missing that. The Apostle Paul also describes the church as the Body of Christ. Christ is present and “re-presented” when we are called together to worship and sent forth to serve. Another aspect of being present is to show others the Abiding Christ family. The honest truth is that potential candidates will be immediately looking at our website and Facebook, and they will be watching our worship services online. Potential candidates will be looking at us to see who we are and what we are about, and they will want to see a full church gathered for worship. I cannot overemphasize how important this is. Your presence will make a difference, and your presence is so important for being actively involved and expanding our impact on ministries and outreach. This is what potential candidates will want to see, and then, by extension, will want to be a part of the excitement and the difference that Abiding Christ is making in the community. So yes, you can help by being present.
We all have a part to play in these next steps: the Council will work on the four items listed above; the Call Committee, once appointed, will have their tasks before them; and now, you also have your assignments: Pray and be present and active.
God is at work; the Holy Spirit is stirring within and among us. Let us open ourselves to new possibilities and opportunities as we continue walking toward that new horizon together!
With Gratitude, Pastor June