Humble Service


John 13:2b-5
And during supper Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him.

On the night that Jesus was betrayed, the gospel of John tells us that Jesus washed his disciples’ feet.  It was an act of humble service, so humbling, that slaves of a household were given this duty --- although some scholars suggest that it was too degrading for a Jewish slave to be required to do so.  Jesus washing the feet of his disciples was shocking to them.  Perhaps Jesus had said all that he could say; in order to make his point, he had to show them.  There is only one other act that could further show how the love of Christ is revealed in humble service - his death on the cross.

Throughout my ministry there have been a few times that footwashing was involved.  On four different youth mission trips, the program leaders concluded our last evening together with such an opportunity.  These are incredible, humbling and powerful experiences.  After a week of living in a community, serving, working, worshiping, eating, laughing, and studying, we ended our last evening together with a worship service that culminated in a foot washing experience.   After an initial sense of this is going to be awkward, it became quite evident that something spiritual was about to happen.  It was solemn and methodical.  The lights would be dimmed and soft worship music would be playing.  The only sound would be that of splashing water and the words of prayers.  The program leaders began by washing each others’ feet; then they moved to the circles of church groups and washed the adult leaders’ feet.  Then the adult leaders of each church group would wash the feet of their youth group, one at a time, with individual prayer for each student.  And there were tears of raw emotion - lots of tears.

I don’t know if those students look back and remember those times, but I do, not so much as a connection with the students, but a connection to the humble service of our Lord.  Sure, we did that act for each other, but how much greater is the act of love that our Lord has done for us.  That’s what I remember, and it is almost as if in those moments that the veil between us and the holy had been lifted, and the holy presence of God in Christ’s humble service saturates this awkward - but unconditional loving act of footwashing.  I remember being flooded with the love of God, and I hope they do, too.

As we approach Holy Week, may we be flooded with an awareness of God's unbounded love that is poured out for us in Jesus' humble service --- not just washing his disciples' feet, but his death on the cross to take away the sin of the world.

Let us pray…. Lord, your great love is expressed in humble service that bears the weight of human need.  Call us into service; empower us with compassion that we might share your love for those in need through acts of kindness and service, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

June Fryman