Fill a Shoebox


As some of you may know, we are now in the official collection week for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoeboxes. Sunday, November 22, is the last day we can accept shoeboxes at ACLC and still get them to an official OCC collection site for this year's collection. Empty OCC boxes are still available at the church but you will have to make arrangements with the office to stop by and pick one up if you still would like to fill one on your own. Alternatively, Samaritan’s Purse has an option for ‘filling’ a shoebox online for a $25 donation, and they will physically fill a shoebox with the items you choose and deliver it to a child in need somewhere across the globe! The link on the banner below will get you to a custom ACLC/OCC website we are using to track how many shoeboxes our congregation fills online. We are still significantly short of our 50-shoebox goal but hopefully this will be a busy week for online boxes!

If you have already filled a shoebox or you will be filling a shoebox this week, you can make arrangements with the office to drop it off at ACLC sometime during the week or drop it off on Sunday (Nov 22) at the latest. On Sunday evening, I will be gathering all the filled boxes and turning them in to an official OCC collection site on Monday.

If you have any questions, you can contact me at 937-429-9790 or

Dave Greenisen

Dave Greenisen