

Mark 14:10-11
Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve, went to the chief priests in order to betray him to them. 11 When they heard it, they were greatly pleased, and promised to give him money. So he began to look for an opportunity to betray him.

This is one of the most difficult  scenes in the New Testament - the moment that Judas sets out to betray Jesus.  There is speculation about what motivated him to do so - was he so devastated and disappointed that Jesus wasn’t the kind of revolutionary Messiah that some had expected?  Was he forcing Jesus’ hand, so that Jesus would finally rise up in revolt?  

As the narrative progresses, we know that all the disciples will abandon Jesus, and Peter will follow through with Jesus’ prediction and will deny even knowing Jesus.  Jesus will be abandoned, denied, and betrayed.  It is a grim picture.

A common denominator in these various scenes is a separation from each other.  The disciples each sought safety and security as they saw fit.  They not only abandoned Jesus, but it seems that for a time, they abandoned the sense of community that had been formed around Jesus.  Judas never returned.  Peter continued to follow Jesus from a distance.  The others, along with Peter, eventually got together again.

It seems there is a lesson (or many lessons) for us.  Even when we feel disappointed, discouraged, confused, and/or afraid, staying together and continuing to follow Jesus is of utmost importance.  Speculating again, Judas must have felt completely and utterly alone with no one to turn to in his greatest time of need.  We know there are others who feel this way - perhaps there are times you feel this way.  Please, please, please know there is a savior who cares, and there are others who follow this savior and care and are ready to help and to listen.

Jesus calls us to follow him, and doing so, we are part of a community of faith.  The road we travel as disciples of Jesus Christ is sometimes difficult and painful, and isn’t intended to be travelled alone.  We need each other.  We accompany one another along the way, and all the while, Jesus leads us.

Let us pray… Holy God, open our eyes to those who are alone and are struggling; lead us to reach out with care and compassion; hold us together in community with one another so that no one has to face their most difficult times alone.  This we pray in the name of your Son, our crucified and risen savior, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

June Fryman