Dark Hour


“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.
John 14:1-3

In 2008 Jeff and I had an opportunity to travel through China, which included several days and nights on a cruise on the Yangtze river.  A stomach virus had attacked many passengers on the ship, and low and behold, the morning we were to disembark, the virus found me.  Feeling queasy, I boarded our tour bus; our first stop was to see the  panda bears at the zoo in Chongqing.  We walked around the zoo and saw many interesting animals, including the pandas.  It’s a bit of blur for me; before we got back on the bus, I had left my mark at the zoo.  

Before we departed the zoo, the tour guide made an announcement:  “There is some good news - the hotel has several rooms ready, so those who are not feeling well can check in early and skip the downtown tour and lunch featuring the traditional “hot pot” delicacies.”  Well, Lord have mercy, there are no words more comforting than hearing “your room is ready” when you are travelling in a foreign country and your tummy is queasy.  

Your room is ready.  I realize that story pales in comparison to what Jesus is saying to his disciples.  We remember that Jesus is spending these last hours of his earthly life in intimate conversation with his disciples.  The Greek word translated as “dwelling places” is the noun form of the verb “abide” or “abiding.”  In that sense, “dwelling places” refers not so much to a place, but rather, the relationship.  How fitting, and really not surprising, as John once again presents the invitation for readers of the gospel to have a relationship with Jesus.

To be sure, their hearts are very troubled, stirred up, agitated.  They do not want to hear Jesus say that he is leaving them; rather, they want to hear that he is staying with them.  He is giving comfort and assurance that in the upheaval of the immediate future --- Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion --- death will not be the final word.  Jesus’ words are comforting in that the relationship they have with him will not end, not even in death.  

Prayer: Everloving God, through your Son Jesus Christ, you have promised that you are always with us.  Abide with us always; make us aware of your holy presence; draw us ever closer to you.  With your abiding love, assure us that in our darkest hour, you are still with us, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

June Fryman